Kupas Tuntas Cara Membuat Japanese swiss roll cake yang Cepat Di Rumah

Aneka koleksi resep kue bolu Terbaik.

Japanese swiss roll cake. Fluffy sponge cake rolled up with fresh matcha cream in the middle, this Matcha Swiss Roll will be an instant favorite this holiday season! Roll Cake is a type of sponge cake roll. In Japan, we call it "Roll Cake" but in some other countries people call it Swiss roll or jelly roll.

Japanese swiss roll cake

Airy and not overly sweet with all the chocolate goodness, it's so easy to indulge in the whole cake all by yourself! This fruit roll cake is another example. I "met" this roll cake in almost every patisserie in Tokyo.
Kamu dapat dengan mudah membuat Japanese swiss roll cake menggunakan 16 bahan dan 6 langkah kerja yang cepat.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Japanese swiss roll cake :

It was amazing that all of them look very much alike: perfectly Compared to the Swiss sponge roll cake, this recipe provides a much softer and more tender cake, which is also very flexible that can be rolled. But I didn't find the time to make a. A roll cake is often called a swiss roll or a jelly roll. It's a type of sponge cake that is filled with whipped cream, jam or frosting and then rolled into a spiral before serving.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Japanese swiss roll cake :

  1. Kocok bahan A hingga creamy dan mengembang.
  2. Kocok bahan B. Gula dimasukan 3 tahap. Kocok hingga tahap soft peak. Bahan utama : tambahkan adonan A ke B. Aduk balik hingga rata. Tambahkan sambil di ayak tepug+ baking soda. Aduk balik hingga rata.
  3. Tambah kan sedikit bahan utama ke bahan C. Sambil diaduk rata. Setelah rata masukan ke adonan utama..
  4. Ratakan di loyang yg diberi papper. Hentakkan hingga adonan rata. Masukan ke oven yg ditengah. 180 ⁰C selama 30 menit..
  5. Setelah matang tes tusuk jika atas sudah kecoklatan. Segera balik dialas kertas roti (untuk nanti digulung). Biar tergulung rapi. Bisa ujungnya yg mulai digulung diiris 2/3 nya. Dan ujung akhir dipotong diagonal (spt gambar).
  6. Kasi toping cream chese. Dan keju. Gulung dengan rapi dengan kertas roti. Masukan kulkas bawah 1 jam. Sajikannnn.

A roll cake is similar to a roulade but a roulade can be filled with other things besides sweet fillings and can even be savory. Place one cake layer on a serving platter. Spread marshmallow filling over cake and top with second cake layer. Pour ganache over cake and spread until entire cake is covered. Apply Swiss Rolls in even rows around cake.